Belson Opticians
By Neil Speight
Posted: Thursday, 07th January 2021 12:28 pm

32 The Mall, Shopping Centre, Grays, RM17 6QE.
63 St. Johns Way, Corringham, SS17 7NAPlease be advised that Belson Opticians will remain OPEN as normal throughout the newly announced January lockdown.
All eyecare appointments will go ahead as planned. We will be operating under our strict COVID measures as we have throughout the pandemic, since last March. Practitioners will be in full PPE, staff in PPE and behind screens, and stringent cleaning procedures.
We must continue to insist that patients wear a mask at all times whilst in the clinic, and ask that if you feel unwell to please reschedule your appointment. This includes: a new persistent cough, fever, and loss of taste or smell. If in doubt, please call on 08009803464 to discuss.
Please do not arrive too early for your appointment. We will be keeping numbers of patients inside the clinic to a minimum. So if you do arrive early, please stay in your car or wait outside and only approach the door once its your appointment time.
Lets work together to ensure a COVID safe environment for all.
We look forward to seeing you all for your appointments. And to those who must shield for now, we look forward to seeing you in the very near and much happier future.
Stay safe and be well.
Kindest regards,
The Belson Family