Euin Steele and Partners
By Neil Speight
Posted: Monday, 08th June 2020 5:23 pm

58 Orsett Road, Grays, RM17 5EH
Our aim, as a high quality independent optical Practice, is to deliver the best standard of eye care and eyewear to all our patients in a friendly, professional environment.
We do not just do 'sight tests'. In our well-equipped consulting rooms we conduct the eye examination appropriate for you.
We pride ourselves on taking the time to understand your needs in detail and carefully explain why certain tests are necessary. This is why our standard eye examination appointment time is 40 minutes.
This approach ensures we always carry out a thorough investigation of your vision, assess your eye co-ordination, examine your eyes for possible health problems, and offer advice on any specific occupational or recreational needs.
We offer extensions to a standard eye examination to include special screening or investigations for common eye conditions such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Retinal Detachment. These investigations are offered using the most up to date technology such as the 'Optomap Retinal Examination' and Ocular Coherence Tomographer (OCT).
We also offer investigation and treatment for 'dry eye' conditions as well as a specialist shortsightedness (myopia) control treatment using contact lenses called Orthokeratology.