Grays in focus - extracts from the proposed local plan

By Nub News Reporter

6th Dec 2023 | Local News

Proposals for Grays
Proposals for Grays

UP to 1,500 new homes could be sanctioned in the heart of Grays under plans outlined in the proposed local plan.

The report also identifies the need for enhanced adult learning facilities and enhanced healthcare facilities – something sure to strike a questionable note from resdients who have seen the council demolish the town's adult Community college and the borough looks to be on the brink of losing its proposed new health car facilities planned for the Thurrock Community Hospital in Stifford Clays.

The following is extracted from the plan and highlights the council's intentions across the wider Grays area.

Places people live, work and visit - opportunity areas

Opportunity areas are places that we think have the potential to intensify existing uses and/or explore opportunities to bring forward new uses like more homes.

It is important that new development that takes place in these areas is comprehensively planned so that the infrastructure needed to support new or intensified uses is provided when and where they are needed.

The new Local Plan will seek to set out principles for the development of these areas with more detailed guidance produced as standalone documents i.e., development frameworks, masterplans, or design codes.

All homes that are delivered within opportunity areas would need to be net zero homes – with a minimum of 10% affordable housing provision (the target set is lower than edge of settlement sites as viability is likely to be more challenging within these areas) and 20% biodiversity net gain.

They would also be expected to make appropriate contributions to supporting infrastructure needed to support the delivery of the development such as transport improvements, open space/public realm improvements and improved community, education, and health facilities.

Within the Grays Conurbation we have identified two opportunity areas, one for Grays town centre and one for the Lakeside Basin.

The Grays Opportunity Area, which covers the existing town centre, has the potential to deliver 1,000 to 1,500 new homes with an expectation that the majority would be smaller units. Any additional homes would need to be supported by new primary school provision with early years childcare and potentially onsite Special educational Needs alternative provision.

In Grays there is also a need for enhanced adult learning facilities and enhanced healthcare facilities.

We see the opportunity area being divided into distinct character areas including a new station quarter which would encompass station enhancements and an improved railway crossing solution for pedestrians.

The Lakeside Basin Opportunity Area has the potential to deliver 500-750 new homes with a mix of housing size and type.

These new homes would need to be supported by a new primary school with early years childcare provision and potentially onsite SEN alternative provision and new health and community facilities. Places people live - new neighbourhoods

New neighbourhoods are areas where we think new homes should be built. To become successful places they require supporting infrastructure, like education, health and community facilities, and open spaces.

These should be delivered within the new neighbourhoods if improvements or expansions to existing infrastructure are not possible or appropriate. Large new neighbourhoods should look to meet the day to day needs of residents with the provision of a local or neighbourhood centre which residents can easily walk and cycle to.

New neighbourhoods should also be well connected to the existing settlement and to other places where residents may need to visit, such as for work, shopping, or leisure activities. It is important that all our new neighbourhoods are designed as places and that the facilities they provide or enhance benefit both new and existing communities.

New neighbourhoods would be expected to deliver net zero homes - with a minimum of 35% affordable housing provision and a mix of homes in terms of size and type.

They will be expected to integrate with neighbouring communities and contribute to the enhancement of 30 30 walking and cycling networks, open spaces and leisure and recreational provision.

They should also address surface water drainage and the impact of noise and air pollution from nearby sources, as well as deliver 20% biodiversity net gain.

New neighbourhoods to the north of Grays and the redevelopment of Blackshots Estate have the potential to deliver in the range of 900 to 1,150 new homes. They will also provide:

• A new primary school with early years childcare provision and potentially onsite SEN alternative provision;

• Green infrastructure improvements to Nutberry Playing Fields including additional planting, play equipment, improved boundary treatments and better natural surveillance over the space;

• Additional on-site open space/landscaping; and

• Improvements to the existing local road network including Stifford Clays Road and Long Lane.

Any sports provision and open space that is lost through the redevelopment of Blackshots Estate must be re-provided.

Places people work - existing and new employment areas

The demand for employment land in the borough is expected to grow. To ensure there is enough land for businesses we will safeguard the borough's existing employment areas and propose new employment sites to increase supply.

Existing employment areas will be categorised as Tier 1, Tier 2 or Oil and Chemical Storage areas and new employment sites will be categorised as Tier 1.

The categories define the types of employment uses that would be supported within them and the instances where complimentary or alternative uses would be considered. The Grays conurbation is home to a significant amount of employment land which fall under all three categories and would be safeguarded.

Tier 1 employment areas have good access to the strategic road network and are the borough's key employment areas. They are suitable for all employment uses - office, industrial processes, and storage and warehousing, and will be safeguarded for these uses.

Tier 2 employment areas are typically located within existing settlements in areas that are predominantly housing or in locations where access is less suited to the type of businesses established in these areas.

Within Tier 2 employment areas the Council will support a shift towards employment uses which are compatible with neighbouring uses and the amenity of the area such as light industrial and offices.

The introduction of complimentary uses would also be welcomed providing there is no net loss of employment floorspace and there is no detriment to the operations of existing businesses. Oil and Chemical Storage areas are of national importance and therefore are safeguarded for that specific use.

If the demand for this use ceases other employment uses would be considered suitable.

A new employment site is proposed at Arena Essex which would be classed as a Tier 1 employment site providing a range of unit sizes and suitable for all employment uses. Consideration would need to be given as to how the recently ratified local wildlife site on part of the proposed employment site impacts on this site and how it could be designed into a development.

Places people visit - new Local Green Spaces

We are proposing 18 Local Green Spaces across the borough and six of them are within the Grays Conurbation.

They are Elm Road Open Spaces, Sanctuary Play Area, and Landscaping, Kilverts Fields, Grays Park, Hogg Lane, and Parker Road Recreation.

These green spaces were nominated by the public and are recognised as having particular importance to their local communities.

Their designation as Local Green Spaces through the Local Plan would give them a significant level of protection.

Alternative option

The alternative option for the Grays Conurbation includes the two proposed opportunity areas, new neighbourhoods, new employment site, and new Local Green Spaces set out in the Initial Proposals, but it also proposes the following:

• A new employment site within the Lakeside Basin which is an expansion of the existing employment area. It would be classed as a Tier 1 employment site providing a range of unit sizes, particularly focused on small to medium sized units, and for all employment uses.

• Three small employment sites in Grays, namely the metalworks on Thames Road, Manor Way Industrial Estate, and land on the corner of London Road and Maidstone Road including the Thurrock Enterprise Centre, would no longer be safeguarded for employment.

Plans for other areas across the borough can be found in the overarching local plan. Click here to read our summary story and a link to view and scroll to your chosen locality


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