Home town girl Jen tells of her pride at being selected for parliamentary battle

LABOUR'S new parliamentary candidate for Thurrock has spoken of her pride at being selected to represent the party in in her home town.
Jen Craft was selected in a poll of local Labour members on Saturday (29 October) morning.
Afterwards she said: "It's hard to put into words how proud I am to have been selected to be Labour's candidate for Thurrock at the next general election.
"This is my home and my community, what an incredible honour to have the chance to represent us! Thank you to everyone who's helped me so far and to Thurrock members who voted for me - and especially thank you to everyone who's offered their support and encouragement."
Mrs Craft was born at Orsett Hospital and attended Grays Convent High School and was married at St Thomas's Church in the town.
She says: "I've always been Labour, I grew up helping my dad deliver leaflets around Grays and my mum was a shop steward for the GMB.
"I love our community and I am proud of where I'm from but I have seen first hand how badly impacted people have been by the Conservative government and the council's disastrous policies.
"I know things can be better for our community and under Labour they will be.

"If Labour is going to win the next election, then winning in places like Thurrock is crucial but we know it will not be easy.
"We need an active campaign, we need to be on the doorstep telling people what it is that Labour has to offer.
"I have the experience to do this. In 2010 I ran the campaign to beat the BNP in Barking. I encouraged hundreds of activists from across London to join us. I made sure they felt confident knocking on doors and delivering our message.
"I will be a hardworking candidate for our community, out on the doorstep every weekend.
"I will bring in activists using my contacts in other constituency Labour parties and inspire them to come back time and time again
"I will lead a campaign not to deliver just a Labour MP at the next general election but to win back the council, working with a Labour administration to deliver for Thurrock and for our community."
Mrs Craft has stood for election in Thurrock before, fighting the 2019 seat in the ward of Stifford Clays where she was beaten by 188 votes by Independents candidate Jennifer Smith, though she did beat the Conservatives' Graham Snell by seven votes to claim second.