Tip toeing back to normality!

A POPULAR borough theatre school has resumed classes following the latest government covid-19 guidelines.
TipToe Stage School, based in South Ockendon and Romford, has managed to keep classes going during the lockdown with online based learning. And this has been done by delivering classes in a creative and engaging way – with each of the school's teachers working with their pupils via online channels.
But this week saw the first group of pupils returning to physical classes – all of which took place within the official social distancing guidelines.
Talking about the return, the school's principle, Julie Barker, commented: "The teaching team at TipToe have worked really hard on creating a revised timetable that delivers for all of our pupils. It hasn't been an easy task, but on Saturday our first group came back and we're not ashamed to say that it was very emotional.
"All of the children wanted to see their friends and we couldn't be prouder of how they've kept engaged and in touch during what has been a difficult time for everyone.
"In class we've created the temporary timetable ensuring that classes are not over packed and are on a rota basis – so every pupil gets to come back to a physical class. We've set out individual "social distanced bubbles" in our venue, have provided each dancer with their own hand sanitiser and set very stringent rules about class interaction.
"The way the children just got on with it was nothing short of inspirational and within ten minutes it was business as usual! Which is good as we have to make up time to prepare for our next main show which is held next year at the Towngate Theatre.
"As well as the pupils, can I thank all of my teaching team – Sam, Quin, Els, Lauren, Dan, Kaz, Chelsea, Rhianna - for their continued hard-work in keeping us going. They've juggled their own family life and challenges during lockdown and their commitment to our pupils has never waivered. TipToe are lucky to have them".
For anyone looking to join TipToe and be part of the forthcoming shows, visit their website or find them on the following social media for more details;
Email – [email protected]
Facebook – TipToe Stage SchoolTwitter - @tiptoe1986
Instagram – tiptoestageschool1986Share: