Change does the job for Sue and Labour in South Chafford

A CHANGE of ward not only assured another four years in the civic chamber for Cllr Sue Shinnick, it produced one of just two gains for the Labour Party in the Thurrock Council elections.
Cllr Shinnick, the current borough mayor, switched from the Ockendon seat – which fell to Labour in her absence – but she managed to defeat a former colleague in the South Chafford ward,
Cllr Abbie Akinbohun was something of a pin up girl for the labour group when she was elected in 2018 but stunned her colleagues and many voters when she then defected to the Conservative ranks in the chamber.
That may well have played a part in her downfall as, on her second time on the hustings, she was booted out of office at the ballot box.
- Sue Shinnick (Labour) 697
- Abbie Akinbohun (Conservative) 566
Majority 131
Electorate: 5,005. Ballot Papers Issued: 1,272. Turnout: 25.41%.