Green light for 37 homes on town centre plot that has been an open space for residents for more than 200 years

By Nub News Reporter 26th Mar 2025

PLANNING permission has been given for 37 homes on a plot of land in the heart of Grays that has been subject to debate, controversy and uncertainty for many years.

The site in question is former allotments land at the side of Orsett Road in Grays and adjacent to Dell Road. It has been regarded as an open 'green space' with no development on it on any records going back more than 200 years.

The land was, several years ago, covered in trees and bushes until, in March 2019, the council employed a team of outside contractors who spent several weeks clearing the site, cutting down a number of roadside trees in the process.

The council has always declined to say what its intentions were or what the clearance project cost but over the following years, while not as dense, the site became overgrown again.

In September 2019 developers Keepmoat put forward a planning application for the site, for a mix of 15 flats and 20 houses, with properties ranging from one bedroom to four.

Just six were to be categorised as 'affordable housing', which is half of the normal requirement for a development of this size but the developer claimed in planning documents that "costs of developing the site means that it cannot sustain a policy compliant quota of affordable housing."

The plan was opposed by ward councillor Cllr John Kent, who was critical of Keepmoat and their alleged failure to deliver on promises associated with being given planning permission for a large plot of land at the end of Dell Road, which was developed as the Treetops Estate. It was the site of the original Treetops School and the land was sold to Keepmoat by the Council.

Keepmoat were supposed to carry out restoration work on the nearby Dell Quarry, a home to Victorian pathways and gardens, but the site remained unrestored and a viewing platform built by Keepmoat was described as shoddy and fell into disrepair. Thurrock Council washed its hands of responsibility for chasing up Keepmoat and the Land Trust charity that were supposed to ensure the historic site became a Grays attraction again.

But Keepmoat's plans never even got to be debated by the council's planning committee. After failing to win concessions from the council over community contributions and with issues over property density and access, Keepmoat withdrew its application in October 2020. 

At one point it seemed possible that the site might be developed by the council as affordable housing via its own wholly-owned housing company, Thurock Regeneration Ltd. But that option never materialised. The newly approved application does say that the site must feature 35% affordable housing, which is defined as 13 units, (3 x 1 bed maisonettes and 10 x 1 and 2 bed apartments) to be provided at affordable rents of up to 80% Market Rents including Service Charge.

The site stood derelict for a couple of years but, after Thurrock Council's catastrophic collapse in 2022, it was one of the first parcels of land put up for sale. It was confirmed in February 2023 that the land had been sold and legal work was due to be completed but all then went silent until October 2024 when the council finally confirmed it had banked £675,000 from the sale.

In the interim, a planning application for 37 homes was lodged with the council in December 2023.

All went quiet on the site and the application, though it was cleared again last year for what was described by the council as 'investigative work.

The application for the new homes, a mix of houses and apartments, remained largely behind closed doors and was ultimately decided by council officers, not the council's planning committee. Residents had a limited say in the matter, with just three comments – all opposed, recorded on the council's planning portal.

Access to the new estate will be via Dell Road.

Now the council has confirmed permission has been granted for the development, promoted by a company called Dell Road Limited, that was set up in February 2023.

There is limited information about the company, which has one director, Michael James Cox. It is registered at a London address which is effectively a mail box base, currently serving 485 registered companies - many of which are small developers.

The company's full design and access statement for the site (including its history) can be read via this link.

Some parking concerns have been aired about the site. There will be 37 allocated spaces for the 20 houses ((2 bed units have one space, all others have two spaces)) and just ten parking spaces for the 17 flats (all two bed flats will have one space with the remainder allocated on a 'first come first served basis'). There would be no visitor parking spaces. The developer will contribute £85,000 to a proposed car club.

In a report to itself, the council says the parking does not meet the recommended standard, but its Highways Officer considers it is acceptable at this site.

The council has laid down the following specifications for community contributions:-

1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 35% of units comprising a total of 13 units, (3 x 1 bed maisonettes and 10 x 1 and 2 bed apartments) to be provided at affordable rents of up to 80% Market Rents including Service Charge.

2. EDUCATION FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION - a total contribution of £179,379.58. Made up of £22,672.93 for nursey contribution and £156,706.65 for primary school contribution. Contribution to be made Prior to First Occupation of the Development.

3. NHS FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION - NHS Mid and South Essex require a contribution of £19,000. Contribution to be made Prior to First Occupation of the Development.

4. ESSEX COAST RAMS FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION - a tariff of £156.76 per unit, which for 37 units, gives a total of £5,800.12. Contribution to be on Commencement of the Development.

5. CAR PARKING COMMUTED SUM - an £85,000 car club contribution is agreed. Contribution to be made Prior to First Occupation of the Development.


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