It's a matter of Honor as students celebrate success

MANY students from Thurrock are among those to be honoured as South Essex College celebrates student success all this week with a virtual awards ceremony.
The college's annual awards evening had to play out slightly differently this year because of COVID-19 and social distancing. A video montage of winners has been created to showcase their achievements with photos of students receiving their awards.
Honor Davison was crowned overall Student of the Year from all the departments. Honor studies Level 3 Health and Care at the Southend Campus and she also won Early Years, Health and Social Care Student of the Year.
Her lecturer said: "Honor has flourished personally and academically, she consistently shows a desire to use feedback to develop her efforts.
"She's on track to get top grades and this is due to her superb effort, attitude and general approach to education. Honor is a genuinely lovely student to teach."
Honor said: "I was very surprised to win, even to be nominated. I'm happy and proud of myself.
"I really enjoyed my time at college, it helped me grow my confidence and I met new friends that I'm sure I will still have for many years to come. I now plan to go to university to study adult nursing."
Principal and Chief Executive, Angela O'Donoghue, recorded a speech to winners congratulating them on their achievements. She said: "Celebrating Success is one of the highlights of the college calendar. Things are a bit different this year but it's just as important to celebrate.
"All students nominated should be very proud. Learning is a lifelong process, the more you learn the greater your satisfaction and rewards in life will be."
Winners will be featured on the college's website and social media channels all week. For more details, click here.
South Essex College Student of the Year - Honor Davison
Adult Learner of the Year - Rosa Miguel
Apprentice of the Year - Rosie Arrowsmith
Art & Design Student of the Year - Holly Mattacks
Business Student of the Year - Emily Wakefield
Construction, Engineering and Motor Vehicle Student of the Year (Stephenson Road) - Arron Young
Construction, Engineering and Motor Vehicle Student of the Year (Thurrock) - George New
Construction, Engineering and Motor Vehicle Student of the Year (Luckyn Lane) - Ethan Harrod
Early Years, Health and Social Care Student of the Year (Southend) - Honor Davison
Early Years, Health and Social Care Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Shannon Bell
ESOL Student of the Year (Southend) - Amer Mohamed
ESOL Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Hadel Muhajer
Hair & Beauty Student of the Year (Southend) - Courtney Brown
Hair & Beauty Student of the Year (Thurrock - Heidi Payne
Hospitality & Catering Student of the Year (Southend) - Katie Insole
Hospitality & Catering Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Richard Akinmolayan
IT Student of the Year (Southend) - Kai Thorn
IT Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Harry Johns
Learning & Progression Student of the Year (Luckyn Lane) - Callum Lawrence
Learning & Progression Student of the Year (Southend) - Joseph Macmahon
Learning & Progression Student of the Year (Stephenson Road) - Louis Noakes
Learning & Progression Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Joshua Adepoju
Media & Performing Arts Student of the Year - Maria Keenan
Science & Animal Care Student of the Year - Thomas Daniels
Sport & Public Services Student of the Year (Southend) - Taylor Armstrong
Sport & Public Services Student of the Year (Thurrock) - Louise St. Pierre
Travel & Tourism Student of the Year - Katie Ive