ST Luke's Hospice will be beneficiary of a run in the London Marathon on Sunday, on 21 April by Grays Athletic sports therapist Sophie Panons.
Sophie, from Basildon, will be running in honour of her grandad who was in and out of the hospice while poorly.
Sophie, who has supported the charity since she was little, says: "The hospice is not only a stone's throw away from where I live but also has an extremely special place in my heart. Any donations would be massively appreciated, and I thank you in advance."
Money donated to the hospice will support the volunteers, carers and the families of those loved ones who are poorly.
If you would like to sponsor Sophie, you can do so via this link: https://www.justgiving.com/page/spanonslondonmarathon24?utm_source=copyLink&utm_medium=one_page&utm_content=page%2Fspanonslondonmarathon24&utm_campaign=pfp-share&utm_term=112e761454e64fa29cccac94a677ebff&fbclid=IwAR3yQ1sz3-vBqeb05wZJMgWeWFuagEgYAggHIHmzOMzcTXfT474yNthPwQo