Make a Bug Hotel for adults at Thames Chase
Thames Chase Forest Centre, Broadfields Farm, Pike Lane RM14 3NS Upminster
Community Events
UNTIL Friday 10th November

Following the great success of our Family Bug Hotel making event we received several requests to put on an evening event for adults to get engrossed in building, decorating and filling their own Bug Hotel to keep or gift to someone for Christmas.
Event by Thames Chase
Guided by our volunteers you will use a hammer and nails to construct your bug hotel kit. Then take time to decorate your box with acrylic paints, bring along your own ideas, or use our stencils and images to copy. We will have a range of materials to fill your box making it the perfect place for invertebrates to nest and hibernate.
You are most welcome to bring along your own drinks and nibbles.
Bookings numbers are based on per hotel (£15 each). Recommend one hotel per person or pair.
Suitable for children age 10+ years.
Please call the Thames Chase Visitor Centre to book: 01708 642970 (Please note payment must be taken at the time of booking, thank you)