Another top honour for local primary school

STANFORD-le-Hope's Arthur Bugler Primary School has added another top accolade to its growing list of awards honours.
The primary is one of 102 Pearson National Teaching Silver Award winners across the country with the citation recognising the "outstanding commitment to changing the lives of the children they work with every day. Arthur Bugler Primary really is a lovely family to be a part of".
Having received the Silver Award, Arthur Bugler Primary has been shortlisted to win one of just 15 Gold Awards later in the year, in a programme which will be broadcast on the BBC.
Headteacher John Bryant said: "Arthur Bugler is more than just a school, it really is the hub of the most amazing community and this award is the recognition the staff and children fully deserve after a challenging 18 months. I am proud of everyone involved at Arthur Bugler and it really does show that if you work hard you can achieve anything!'
"This is a great opportunity to celebrate the exceptional school staff who have worked wonders during an incredibly challenging time for educators across the country.
"The school has a strong relationship with the local community which allows them to develop lifelong learning opportunities, as well as supporting less fortunate families with their Foodbank and the Gifting Tree.
"Each and every day, positivity pulses through the corridors and staff at Arthur Bugler have, and continue to go above and beyond to ensure everyone within its care are recognised, valued and celebrated, especially during this very challenging time."