MP calls for Highways England to make changes to crossing plans

THURROCK MP Jackie Doyle-Price has delivered her updated verdict on the proposed Lower Thames Crossing and calls on Highways England to make concessions to mitigate the impact on Thurrock.
As the public consultation on the latest submissions by Highways England for the crossing that will drive a motorway through the heart of Thurrock's rural belt Ms Doyle-Price again expressed her dissatisfaction with the whole project.
She says: "I have reaffirmed my position to this route. I continue to believe that it is flawed. I would prefer a route which bypasses our residential communities completely.
"I have asked National Highways to reconsider the route on the North side of the Thames and I have made the following specific asks:
- Highways England should take responsibility for the A13.
- East facing slip roads should be delivered at the A13 junction with Lakeside to alleviate congestion at Junction 30. This will enable more efficient operation of the Dartford crossing and facilitate development in line with Thurrock's local plan.
- The plans for the LTC/A13 road junction should redesigned and should be reconsidered alongside the inclusion of crucial LTC road junctions at Tilbury and at Ockendon.
- There should be a junction at Tilbury and future provision made for another at Ockendon.